have really been a great source of inspiration.
i was wearing them at Pearl the other day while i was trying to use my
1999 SAIC id to get my 'student' discount. mind you, i''ve done this before,
with no issue, but recently they have this lady who's been giving me a hard time. so last time i backed off muttering . this time i was
like forget it, i'm going for it.
she was saying " I haven't ever even
seen one of these id's...are you a student?"
" yep, hm, that's weird" bald-faced lie. but:
you know,.... back up the bike, lady. why are you being so militant? i'm just
trying to save a couple bucks. not trying too get on a plane. there's no reason you should care. at all.
it was getting a little embarrassing, when her co-worker came up and
said " eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew! i
LOVE those shoes! My grandma used to
have shoe's like that and i used to love to walk around in em'."
totally took the heat off. thanks granny shoes.